
New Zealand a destination for Indian students to study abroad

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New Zealand to alter policies for recruitment to have more overseas students.

New Zealand saw an unexpected increase in no. of overseas students.As per the education department of New Zealand, latest figure 69,135 overseas students have applied in schools and colleges across the whole country in 2023.

The number increased by 67% from last year and is higher than students enrolled before the pandemic.

As the Acting Chief Executive of Education New Zealand, Dr Linda Sissons stated that,

More than 69,000 foreign students enrolled  is good news for the education sector and other communities of New zealand.

She also acknowledged the benefits of cultural diversity in a small country, she said - Many students will get to interact with the top professionals from different cultural backgrounds,this will enhance their understanding of worldwide issues.

Huge comeback in Universities:

In various education sub-sectors of New Zealand,universities witnessed the strongest recovery, with more than  29,000 students enrolled,with schools being the largest sub-sector for students from all over the World.

The data also revealed a significant increase in enrolments across students in English schools, the number international schools raised from 1565 to 9570.

“Enabling a thriving and globally connected New Zealand through world-class international education is a government priority,” Dr. Sissons highlighted.

The hype in overseas students enrolment in 2023 reinforce its position to be a leading destination for quality education and cultural exchange at a global level.

New rules by New Zealand:

The temporary work visa in New Zealand is the Accredited Employer Work Visa. With this visa, an individual can work for any recognized New Zealand company for minimum 30 hours per week, study up to three months per year, or can take  any coursework necessary for their job.

Recent changes also have affected employers, as now requirements are strict for them during accreditation, job checks, and in the whole accreditation period.