
Harvard to Host Career Café in September 

Harvard to Host Career Café in September 

By Admin

November 06, 2023

Career Cafe is a drop-in space for job seekers, career professionals, entrepreneurs, and community members to leverage resources provided by the Harvard Ed Portal's Workforce and Economic Development team. Move your career or business ahea...

IIT Kanpur and NY University form alliance for doctoral programs

IIT Kanpur and NY University form alliance for doctoral programs

By Admin

November 06, 2023

NYU and IIT Kanpur have signed a memorandum of understanding to engage in joint research on critical areas (such as cybersecurity and AI), which will expand doctoral exchange programs and will share teaching techniques. President Linda G Mills...

Brown University launched its new Dinning services

Brown University launched its new Dinning services

By Admin

November 06, 2023

Brown University launched its news dining services in Sharpe Refectory (their dining room) affectionately known as the 'Ratty',  where students are savoring food prepared in a new kosher kitchen, an enhanced halal station and an allerg...

All about SAT Essay writing

All about SAT Essay writing

By Admin

October 06, 2023

All about SAT essay writing   Introduction: After 2016, the college board has made it optional for the students to take  the SAT essay but still there are a lot of confusions around whether one should be taking the test or not? Some univers...